• Are you breathing?

    (If not, start now.) That’s YOGA!

    Pranayama | The Breath | 4th limb of Yoga

    We can use this life force to calm and soothe the central nervous system, or invigorate and uplift our mood, depending on the technique.

  • Ever stop to think?

    Like about what you’re doing here. The path you’ve chosen, if it’s right or if there’s something right-er? Yep, YOGA.

    Pratyahara | Turning Inward | 5th limb of Yoga

    What do you do when you are trying to do something well? A project, a task, a relationship, a lifestyle…

    Dharana | Concentration | 6th limb of Yoga

  • Do you try?

    As in…in life. Do you wake and work and care? Do you love and serve and try?

    The Yamas | Restraints | 1st limb of Yoga

    Non-Violence, Truthfulness, Non-Stealing, Conservation of Energy, Non-Grasping

    The Niyamas | Observances | 2nd limb of Yoga

    Purity, Contentment, Spiritual Discipline, Self-Study, Surrender to the Divine